Welcome to the parish church of All Saints Newmarket. Our church family members include long time Christians, recent converts and those exploring their faith. We greet everyone without judgement or prejudice. We are committed to growing deeper in our love of God, our understanding of what living a life committed to Jesus means and in our support of one another and serving our community. Join us as we Seek God’s Heart and Serve God’s World.
Find out about our regular daily activities.
Read our prayer for growth and find out more about us including our priorities for growth.
9:OOam Holy Communion (BCP)
1O:15am Services as follows:
1st in month - All Age Service (not Live Streamed)
2nd in month - Holy Communion
3rd in month - Morning Worship
4th in month - Holy Communion
5th in month - Morning Worship
Download our quarterly service plan.
Join us for "Prayer & Share" Sunday's at 6.00pm via Zoom. Contact us for further information.